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-Home- -Fight Club- -Hostel- -(500) Days of Summer- -Airplane-

Cast: Jay Hernandez and Barbara Nedeljakova

Plot Summary: Four guys go on a journey through Europe in search of women. But when they reach a Slovakian city, they are kidnapped and tortured by wealthy businessmen who pay to torment them

Genre: Horror

Rated: R for brutal scenes of torture and violence, strong sexual content, language and drug use.

Review: This is one of the true horror movies I have seen in a long time. It pushes everything right to the edge. These three friends go into Amsterdam looking to party and mess around. Then, some random person tells them a secret that there is a small Slovakian town that has a great party scene with some beautiful women. Little did they know, these girls are used as bait to attract people to this small town. After a couple of nights there, they are all taken into an old warehouse where they wait until a buyer comes to torture them. The torture scenes are brutal and graphic, but that’s what a horror movie is supposed to do. What this movie does better than any other horror movie is the revenge scene left me with some goose bumps. This is definitely an underrated movie, especially for one that consists of all unknown actors. The director obviously did an excellent job in filming this movie.

Honorable Mention: The Exorcist, Paranormal Activity, The Saw Series, and The Final Destination Series